Associated projects
The research unit FOR 2240 is set in a productive atmosphere for cooperation, including researcher-led associated projects.
There are strong connections to three large research networks funded by the European Union. The networks deal with inflammatory diseases of the cornea and/or the ocular surface.
- EU COST Action BM 1302 “Joining forces in corneal regeneration” ( is led by Professor C. Cursiefen, University of Cologne, Germany and by Professor M. Jager, University of Leiden, The Netherlands.
- EU Horizon 2020 Project ARREST BLINDNESS ( is led by Professor N. Lagali, University of Linköping, Sweden, with the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Cologne serving as the second largest partner.
- EU Innovative Training Network for Dry-eye Disease Drug Development (ITN-DED3-H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017) with Professor P. Steven, University of Cologne, Germany as Principal Investigator.
Cooperation Project: Personalized therapy guidance in AMD and glaucoma. Scientific Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sascha Fauser, Vice-President, ROCHE, Basel, Switzerland
German Research Foundation (DFG) Analysis of the impact of donor tissue characteristics on the outcome of Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) Principal Investigator Dr. med. Silvia Schrittenlocher, associated with Project 1.
Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, Project B3 “Novel therapeutic role of myeloid cell-derived VEGF-C and lymphangiogenesis in resolution of corneal inflammation and reestablishment of corneal transparency” Principal Investigators: Professor C. Cursiefen, PD Dr. F. Bock, Dr. Dr. D. Hos. Link to project page.
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research VIP+ program and North-Rhine Westphalia Patent Validation for the project “Polysialic acid: Expression in the human retina and therapeutic potential in the laser-damage mouse model”
German Research Foundation: “Molecular investigations of miR-29-associated deposits of extra-cellular matrix in the course of Fuchs endothelial dystrophy”, Principal Investigator: PD Dr. M. Matthaei.
German Federal Ministry of International Development and Cooperation, Klinikpartnerschaft with the National Academy of Science, Ukraine: Professor C. Cursiefen, Cologne: “Optimierte Transplantationschirurgie der Hornhaut gegen korneale Erblindung in der Ukraine”, (