Central projects

Central project C1 is led by one principal investigator and has a scientific focus of direct relevance to the whole group. Central project C2 is concerned with management issues and is led by the Executive Board, who have implemented a specific secretary to address these issues.

Central project 1 Eye Imaging

Cologne Experimental Eye Imaging Center (CEE-IC)

Principal Investigator


Philipp Steven

Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Steven


Gereon Hüttmann

PD Dr. Gereon Hüttmann

PhD student (guest scientist)

Francisco Jose Pinto Fraga

Francisco José Pinto Fraga (Spain)

Central project 2 Management

Visiting Scientist,
Events, Publications

Thomas Langmann

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Langmann

Travel, Gender, Mgt. Office, Medical Faculty, Rotation Posts

Claus Cursiefen

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Claus Cursiefen, FEBO, FARVO

Management Office & Gender Module

Claudia Bock

Claudia Bock