
For the second funding period of research unit FOR 2240 beginning in Autumn 2018, the unit has expanded to seven research groups (projects), two central projects, and seven associated projects. The seven research groups are led by one or two principal investigators, and the projects of first-time applicants also have one or two non-funded co-applicants with status as senior researchers as part of the leadership team. While ten of the thirteen principal investigators of the current FOR 2240 projects are affiliated with the grant holder, which is the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Cologne, one is affiliated with Cologne’s Department of Dermatology and Venerology, and the two others with different departments at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. Of the five co-applicants, two are affiliated with the grant holder, one is affiliated with the CECAD Excellence Cluster in Cologne, and the other two with institutions in Berlin and Lübeck.

More information on the associated projects can be found under Team.

Interconnected and unique projects

The seven research groups (projects) and two central projects are connected to each other in various ways, yet each has a unique contribution to make to the research unit 2240 as a whole.

P1 Lymph-Transplant Induction of corneal transplant tolerance by antilymphangiogenic therapy

P2 Modulators of LA Identification of novel endogenous modulators of developmental and inflammatory lymphangiogenesis by analyzing mouse strain-specific differences

N1 Ocular GvHD Lymph- and hemangiogenesis in ocular Graft-versus-Host Disease

N2 ABCB5 & Ptyergium The role of ABCB5-expressing limbal epithelial stem cells in corneal lymphangiogenic privilege and pterygium pathogenesis

P4 Ocular Melanoma The role of midkine in tumor-associated lymphangiogenesis and metastasis of ocular malignant melanoma

P5 Myeloid Cells Myeloid cell function in corneal hem- and lymphangiogenesis

P6 Microglia in AMD Role of complement receptors and microglia in age-related macular degeneration

C1 Eye Imaging Cologne Experimental Eye Imaging Center (CEE-IC)

C2 Management Coordination

Core infrastructure

Two central projects support the whole research unit in achieving the overarching aims, one in a scientific way, by developing and providing advanced imaging capabilities (C1) , and the other by providing management support (C2).