Curriculum Vitae
Department of Ophthalmology
Clinical Neurosciences III – Ophthalmology
University of Cologne
Kerpener Straße 62
50937 Cologne, Germany
Current Project
- Clinical outcomes of Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty
Education and professional training
1996 Graduated from Aiko Gakuen High School
2003 2003 M.D. Okayama University, Medical School
Japanese Medical License Registration (NO.432353)
2004 2004 Ph.D. course (Medical Sciense) Yokohama City University,
Medical School
Resident in Yokohama City University Hospital (Ophthalmology, Chairman, DR. Nobuhisa Mizuki)
2006 2006 Trainee Department of Corneal Tissue Regeneration, Tokyo
University Graduate School of Medicine (Dr. Satoru Yamagami )
2007 Resident in Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital (Ophthalmology)
2008 2008 PhD. (Medical Sciense) Yokohama City University, Medical
School Visiting Resercher Yokohama City University, Medical School
2009 2009 Grant from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan (B21791698)
2011 Clinical fellow in ocular surface disease and corneal transplantation, Department of Ophthalmology, Tokyo Dental Collage (Dr. Jun Shimazaki) (2011, 04 – 2012, 07)
2012 Resident in Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital (Ophthalmology)
2014 Department of Ophthalmology, Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital Concentration;
ocular surface disease and corneal transplantation (Director, 2014, 04 – present)
Ph.D study and research skills
- Immunological mechanism of corneal endothalial cell transplantation
- Regulation of hem-and lymphangiogenesis of cornea
Clinical skills
Human corneal transplantation: 400 transplants
- Lamellar keratoplasty: DALK 60, and LKP 40
( - Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty: 100
- Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty: 100
- Amniotic membrane transplantation: 50/ Pterygyum: 200
- Cataract surgery: 2000/ IOL suture: 100
- Simple pars plana vitrectmy: 100 (Dropped IOL / Endophalmitis, etc)
Complete list of publications of Takahiko Hayashi
A) Publications with peer review process
- Hayashi, T.,* Kobayashi, A. (2018): Double-Bubble Technique in Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty for Vitrectomized Eyes: A Case Series. Accepted for printing in: Cornea. 2018 Apr 9.
doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000001606.
(publisher’s declaration of acceptance enclosed) - Yamada, N., Hayashi, T.,* Yuda, K., Shimizu, T., Oyakawa, I., Takahasi, H., Kato, N. (2018): Outcomes of Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty for Vitrectomized Eyes with Sutured Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens. In: Journal of Ophthalmology. Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 3127126, 7 pages.
- 3. Suwa, A., Horita, N.,* Ishido, T., Takeuchi, M., Kawagoe, T., Shibuya, E., Yamane, T., Hayashi, T., Meguro, A., Ishido, M., Minegishi, K., Yoshimi, R., Kirino, Y., Kato, S., Arimoto, J., Fukumoto, T., Ishigatsubo, Y., Kurosawa, M., Kaneko, T., Takeno, M., Mizuki, N. (2018): The ocular involvement did not accompany with the genital ulcer or the gastrointestinal symptoms at the early stage of Behçet’s disease. Accepted for printing in: Mod Rheumatol. 2018 Mar 27:1-17. doi: 10.1080/14397595.2018.1457424.
(publisher’s declaration of acceptance enclosed) - Hayashi, T.* (2018): Mechanism of Immunologic Rejection After Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty. Accepted for printing in: Cornea. 2018 Mar 6. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000001574. [Epub ahead of print]
(publisher’s declaration of acceptance enclosed) - Oyakawa, I.,* Hayashi, T., Shimizu, T., Kato, N. (2018): Modified Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty: The Use of Ophthalmic Viscoelastic Devices in Hypotonic Eyes That Had Undergone Glaucoma Filtering Surgeries. In: Case Rep Ophthalmol Med. Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 9387810, 5 pages. doi: 10.1155/2018/9387810. eCollection 2018.
- Hirata, Y., Yuda, K.,* Odontuya, D., Hayashi, T., Suzuki, Y. (2017): A Viscoelastic Aspiration Technique for Autologous Transplantation of the Free-Flap Inner Limiting Membrane During Macular Hole Surgery. Accepted for printing in: Retina. 2017 Nov 22. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000001968.(publisher’s declaration of acceptance enclosed)
- Yuda, K.,* Nagashima, T., Shimizu, T., Yuda, K., Hayashi, T. (2017): Bubble-Wiping Technique for Clearing the Condensation on Intraocular Lenses. Accepted for printing in: Retina. 2017 Jun 14. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000001718.
(publisher’s declaration of acceptance enclosed) - Hayashi, T.,* Yamaguchi, T., Yuda, K., Kato, N., Satake, Y., Shimazaki, J. (2017): Topographic Characteristics after Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty and Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty. In: Plos One. 2017;12:e0188832. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188832. eCollection 2017.
- Ishido, T., Horita, N.,* Takeuchi, M., Kawagoe, T., Shibuya, E., Yamane, T., Hayashi, T., Meguro, A., Ishido, M., Minegishi, K., Yoshimi, R., Kirino, Y., Kato, S., Arimoto, J., Ishigatsubo, Y., Takeno, M., Kurosawa, M., Kaneko, T., Mizuki, N. (2017): Clinical manifestations of Behçet’s disease depending on sex and age: results from Japanese nationwide registration. In: Rheumatology (Oxford). 56: 1918-1927. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kex285.
- Matsuzawa, A.,※ Hayashi, T.,※ Oyakawa, I., Yuda, K., Shimizu, T., Mizuki, N., Yamada, N., Kato, N.* (2017): Use of four asymmetric marks to orient the donor graft during Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty. In: BMJ open ophthalmol. 2017; DOI: 10.1136/bmjophth-2017-000080.
(※ = Equally contributed.) - Hayashi, T.,* Yuda, K., Oyakawa, I., Kato, N. (2017): Use of Brilliant Blue G in Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. In: Biomed Res Int. 2017;2017:9720389. doi: 10.1155/2017/9720389.
- Shimizu, T.,※ Hayashi, T.,※ Yuda, K., Tsuchiya, A., Oyakawa, I., Mizuki, N., Kato, N.* (2017): Chandelier Illumination for Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. In: Cornea. 36: 1155-1157. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000001254.
(※ = Equally contributed.) - Hayashi, T.,* Oyakawa, I., Kato, N. (2017): Eventual Endothelial Failure After Initial Corneal Clearing After a Detached Endothelial Graft in Fuchs Dystrophy. In: Cornea. 36: e9-e10. doi:10.1097/ICO.0000000000001146.
- Hayashi, T.,* Oyakawa, I., Kato, N. (2017): Techniques for Learning Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty for Eyes of Asian Patients With Shallow Anterior Chamber. In: Cornea. 36: 390-393.
- Hayashi, T.,* Usui, T., Yamagami, S. (2016): Suppression of Allograft Rejection with Soluble VEGF Receptor 2 Chimeric Protein in a Mouse Model of Corneal Transplantation. In: Tohoku J Exp Med. 239: 81-88.
- Hayashi, T.,* Hirayama, Y., Yamada, N., Shimazaki-Den, S., Shimazaki, J. (2013): Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty for bullous keratopathy with an irregular posterior surface. In: Cornea. 32: 1183-1188.
- Hayashi, T.,* Watanabe, K., Tsuura, Y., Tsuji, G., Koyama, S., Yoshigi, J., Hirata, N., Yamane, S., Iizima, Y., Toyota, S., Takeuchi, S. (2010): Sight-threatening optic neuropathy is associated with paranasal lymphoma. In: Clin Ophthalmol. 24: 143-146.
- Albuquerque, R.J., Hayashi, T., Cho, W.G., Kleinman, M.E., Dridi, S., Takeda, A., Baffi, J.Z., Yamada, K., Kaneko, H., Green, M.G., Chappell, J., Wilting, J., Weich, H.A., Yamagami, S., Amano, S., Mizuki, N., Alexander, J.S., Peterson, M.L., Brekken, R.A., Hirashima, M., Capoor, S., Usui, T., Ambati, B.K., Ambati, J.* (2009): Alternatively spliced vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 is an essential endogenous inhibitor of lymphatic vessel growth. In: Nature Med. 15: 1023-1030.
- Hayashi, T., Yamagami, S.,* Tanaka, K., Yokoo, S., Usui, T., Amano, S., Mizuki, N. (2009): Immunologic mechanisms of corneal allografts reconstituted from cultured allogeneic endothelial cells in an immune-privileged site. In: Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 50: 3151-3158.
- Hayashi, T., Yamagami, S.,* Tanaka, K., Yokoo, S., Usui, T., Amano, S., Mizuki, N. (2008): A mouse model of corneal endothelial cell transplantation. In: Cornea. 27: 699-705.
- Hayashi, T.,* Ishioka, M., Itho, N., Kato, Y., Nakagawa, H., Hatano, H., Mizuki, N. (2008): Bilateral herpes simplex keratitis in a patient with chronic graft-versus-host disease. In: Clinical Ophthalmology. 2, 457-459.
- Teshigawara, T., Hata, S., Hayashi, T., Watanabe, Y., Itoh, N., Mizuki, N.* (2007): Penetration of gatifloxacin eye drops into the aqueous humor in humans. In: Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 15: 309-313.
- Hayashi, T.,* Inoko, H., Nishizaki, R., Ohno, S., Mizuki, N. (2007): Exclusion of transforming growth factor-beta1 as a candidate gene for myopia in the Japanese. In: Jpn J Ophthalmol. 51: 96-99.
B) Submitted publications with peer review process
- Oyakawa, I., Hayashi, T.,* Kobashigawa, Y., Matsuzawa, A., Takahashi, H., Kato, N.: Evaluation of Anterior and Posterior Corneal Irregularity After Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. Submitted to: Cornea. (publisher’s acknowledgement of receipt enclosed)
- Hayashi, T.,* Kobayashi, A., Shimizu, T., Kobashigawa, H., Oyakawa, I., Kato, N., Yuda, K., Yuda, K.: Importance of Corneal Epithelium in Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. Submitted to: American Journal of Ophthalmology. (publisher’s acknowledgement of receipt enclosed)
- Shimizu, T., Hayashi, T.,* Yuda, K., Takahashi, H., Oyakawa, I., Takahashi, H., Yamazaki, K., Mizuki, N., Kato, N.: Short Axial Length and Iris Damage is Associated with Iris Posterior Synechiae after Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. Submitted to: Cornea. (publisher’s acknowledgement of receipt enclosed)
- Yuda, K., Kato, N., Shimizu, T., Oyakawa, I., Matsuzawa, A., Yuda, K., Hayashi, T.*: Effect of Graft Shift Direction on Graft Detachment and Endothelial Cell Survival after Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. Submitted to: Scientific Reports. (publisher’s acknowledgement of receipt enclosed)
C) Publications without peer review process
- Hayashi, T.,* Mizuki, N. (2006): Ocular manifestation in Behҫet’s Disease. In: JAMAJ. 49: 260-268. Review.
The following above mentioned publications have evolved from my doctoral dissertation: A19,A20