Curriculum Vitae

Dr. rer. nat. Birgit Regenfuß

Dr. rer. nat. Birgit Regenfuß

Department of Ophthalmology
Experimental Ophthalmology
University of Cologne

Scientific career

2002 – 2007 Study of Biology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

2007 Research associate at the Department of Microbiology (SFB473/D6),
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

2008 – 2011 PhD at the Department of Ophthalmology (IZKF/A9), Member of the Graduate School (SFB 643), University of Erlangen-Nürnberg,

2011 – 2012 Research associate, Department of Ophthalmology, Experimental Ophthalmology, University of Cologne

2012-2015 Postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Ophthalmology, Experimental Ophthalmology, University of Cologne

2015 Principal Investigator of Project 2 “Identification of novel endogenous modulators of (inflammatory) lymphangiogenesis by analyzing mouse strain-specific differences” in the DFG Research Unit FOR 2240 “Angiogenesis, Lymphangiogenesis and Cellular Immunity in Inflammatory Diseases of the Eye” at the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Cologne

2015- University of Bayreuth

Prizes and honors

01/2011 – 03/2011 IZKF Erlangen, travel grant: The Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School Boston

Selected publications

Cursiefen C, Bock F, Clahsen T, Regenfuss B, Reis A, Steven P, Heindl LM, Bosch JJ, Hos D, Eming S, Grajewski R, Heiligenhaus A, Fauser S, Austin J, Langmann T. [New Therapeutic Approaches in Inflammatory Diseases of the Eye – Targeting Lymphangiogenesis and Cellular Immunity: Research Unit FOR 2240 Presents Itself]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2017 May;234(5):679-685.

Hos D, Bucher F, Regenfuss B, Dreisow ML, Bock F, Heindl LM, Eming SA, Cursiefen C (2016) IL-10 Indirectly Regulates Corneal Lymphangiogenesis and Resolution of Inflammation via Macrophages. Am J Pathol186:159-71.

Regenfuss, B, Dreisow, ML, Hos, D, Masli, S, Bock, F, Cursiefen, C (2015), The Naive Murine Cornea as a Model System to Identify Novel Endogenous Regulators of Lymphangiogenesis: TRAIL and rtPA. Lymphat Res Biol. 13(2): p. 76-84.

Contreras-Ruiz L, Regenfuss B, Mir FA, Kearns J, Masli S (2013) Conjunctival inflammation in thrombospondin-1 deficient mouse model of Sjogren’s syndrome. PLoS One 89: e75937.

Platonova N, Miquel G, Regenfuss B, Taouji S, Cursiefen C, Chevet E, Bikfalvi A (2013) Evidence for the interaction of fibroblast growth factor-2 with the lymphatic endothelial cell marker LYVE-1. Blood 1217: 1229-1237.

Regenfuss B, Onderka J, Bock F, Hos D, Maruyama K, Cursiefen C (2010) Genetic heterogeneity of lymphangiogenesis in different mouse strains. Am J Pathol 1771: 501-510.

Regenfuss B, Bock F, Parthasarathy A, Cursiefen C (2008) Corneal (lymph)angiogenesis–from bedside to bench and back: a tribute to Judah Folkman. Lymphat Res Biol. 6:191-201.