February 7, 2022
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Björn Schumacher
Curriculum Vitae
Institute for Genome Stability in Ageing and Disease
CECAD Excellence Cluster “Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases”
University of Cologne
2013- Professor (W3) for Genome Stability in Ageing and Disease, CECAD Excellence Cluster, University of Cologne
2018- Co-Applicant of Project N2 “The role of ABCB5-expressing limbal epithelial stem cells in corneal lymphangiogenic privilege and pterygium pathogenesis” of the DFG Research Unit FOR 2240 “Angiogenesis, Lymphangiogenesis and Cellular Immunity in Inflammatory Diseases of the Eye” at the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Cologne