Funding for glaucoma stent study

The Initiator Initiated Trial (IIT) entitled “Comparison of Positioning, Schlemm Canal Dilation and Intraocular Pressure after Hydrus Microstent vs. I Stent Injection in Combination with Cataract Surgery” conducted by the Center for Ophthalmology at the University Hospital of Cologne under the leadership of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Verena Prokosch has been approved by the Alcon Global Grant Committee and will be funded with approximately 84,500 Euros.
The goal of this Inititator Initiated Trial is to compare for the first time the positioning and pressure reduction of two different novel glaucoma stents. Both stents are considered minimally invasive glaucoma surgery procedures for lowering pressure to help patients with the common disease glaucoma – about 2 percent of the population. The Center for Ophthalmology in Cologne was the first university hospital in Germany to introduce the Hydrus 2021 as a treatment option.