3rd Shanghai-Cologne Ophthalmic Research Meeting

After the signature of a cooperation agreement in 2019 between the Departments of Ophthalmology at the Tongji University Shanghai and the University Hospital Cologne, the 3rd Shanghai-Cologne Ophthalmic Research Meeting took place online on 5th November 2021.
Professor Dr. Claus Cursiefen, Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Hospital Cologne and speaker of DFG FOR 2240, gave a lecture on the latest innovations in high-risk keratoplasty. Furthermore, FOR members Dr. Mario Matthaei, Dr. Friederike Schaub, Prof. Björn Bachmann, Dr. Alexander Händel and Dr. Leonie Mengesha shared information about their latest research in fibrillar layer in Fuchs dystrophy, Boston-Keratoprosthesis, mini-DMEK and DMEK in complex eyes as well as Xenia-membranes for corneal ulcer repair.
The main aim of the cooperation between the Departments of Ophthalmology at the Tongji University and the University Hospital Cologne is an in-depth exchange between scientists and clinicians of both institutions, especially in the field of corneal diseases.