Eye clinic to win two renowned awards in the beginning of 2021
Ms. Hanhan Liu and Dr. Rokohl from the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Hospital in Cologne were able to convince with their research and won renowned awards in the beginning of 2021.
Ms. Hanhan Liu, employee of the eye clinic and part of the neuroprotection working group of Professor Dr. Prokosch-Willing, was awarded the RWA science prize (RWA Wissenschaftspreis) for her project Hydrogen Sulfide: an Experimental Study of its Properties on New Neuro-protective Treatment Strategies in Glaucoma. The award ceremony took place at the latest meeting of ophthalmologist from North Rhine Westphalia (Tagung der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Augenärzte). The working group deals with therapies for neuroprotection and regeneration in glaucoma. Over the past five years, Ms. Hanhan Liu has studied the neuroprotective properties of hydrogen sulphides. Ms. Liu already won the DOG glaucoma research prize in 2018.
Dr. Alexander C. Rokohl, assistant physician and clinician scientist at the Department of Ophthalmology, was awarded the Dr. Georg prize by the association of ophthalmologists from North Rine Westphalia (Verein Rheinisch-Westfälischer Augenärzte e.V) for his research on the topic Enucleation and evisceration – clinical course, complication management and eye prosthetic rehabilitation. Dr. Rokohl together with Professor Dr. Heindl were the first to describe, define and establish diagnostic criteria for the pathology of the Dry Anophthalmic Socket Syndrome (DASS) in their highly ranked publication Dry Anophthalmic Socket Syndrome – Standardized clinical evaluation of symptoms and signs (Ocular Surface). Based on their results, the two scientists were able to establish the world’s first interdisciplinary consultation center for eye prosthesis at the University Hospital in Cologne.
The Dr. Georg prize commemorates the founder of the eye clinic Dr. Gerog in Bad Rothenfelde and the Dr. Georg Foundation for the Blind. Every two years, the prize honors outstanding young scientists in the field of eye surgery.