FOR2240 Scientist Dr. Alexander C. Rokohl was selected for the Cologne Clinician Scientist Program
We are proud to announce that Dr. Alexander C. Rokohl was selected to attend the Cologne Clinician Scientist Program (CCSP) of the Medical Faculty at the University of Cologne.
The outstanding scientific achievements of Dr. Alexander C. Rokohl attracted a lot of attention at national and international scientific meetings and he won several scientific awards including the ESOPRS Richard Collin Junior Award 2018. In his highly ranked publication Dry Anophthalmic Socket Syndrome – Standardized clinical evaluation of symptoms and signs (Rokohl AC et al. – Ocular Surface 2020), Dr. Alexander C. Rokohl and his supervisor Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ludwig M. Heindl were the first in the world who described and defined a new clinical syndrome, the Dry Anophthalmic Socket Syndrome (DASS). The aim of this research in the course of the CCSP is to identify further molecular mechanisms of the DASS and to develop an evidence-based therapy algorithm for this disease.
The Cologne Clinician Scientist Program (CCSP) is a comprehensive, attractive, and sustainable career development program for highly motivated young clinician-scientists who have demonstrated a special talent for scientific work. The CCSP is intended to promote a bidirectional translational approach: from the bench to bedside and back. Additionally, the mentoring during the CCSP provides the participants know-how in career planning, soft skills, as well as in scientific and peer consulting work.
Dr. Alexander C. Rokohl is affiliated with the FOR2240 Project P4 which is supervised and led
by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ludwig M. Heindl.