Newly funded DFG project on ocular tyrosinase and lymphangiogenesis – affiliated to FOR2240

The project „Functional significance and molecular mechanisms of tyrosinase in the control of lymphangiogenesis in various ocular diseases“ recently received DFG funding. The project is led by FOR 2240 speaker Prof. Claus Cursiefen and FOR 2240 scientist Dr. Thomas Clahsen.
The project aims at studying the functional relevance and molecular mechanisms of tyrosinase in lymphangiogenesis in different eye diseases, including corneal transplant rejection, glaucoma and limbal stem cell disease. Tyrosinase is a newly identified regulator of lymphangiogenesis in the eye that has been discovered within the DFG funded research group FOR 2240 ( This new project will provide new information for both basic science and therapeutic applications.
According to the DFG, the project is novel, very ambitious and promises a high gain in knowledge for basic research and clinical application. It addresses important clinical questions that affect a large group of patients.