Pole position in Germany for the Department of Ophthalmology at University of Cologne

Number 1 in scientific publications and impact factor
The demand for research within ophthalmology is and will be high. Today many conditions of the eye can be treated successfully – also thanks to intensive and continuing research. But there are still many research questions pending. And the pressure to act increases in light of a steady growing number of patients.
The German Society for Ophthalmology (DOG) assessed the scientific output of all German University Departments of Ophthalmology. Data have been compiled in the timeframe of 2015 and 2017. The outcome of the study (published as “Research Map Ophthalmology Germany”) helps to generate an overview of the research infrastructure of all institutions. The number of scientific publications and impact points is used as indicator of the research activity.
The Department of Ophthalmology of the University Hospital Cologne with its 192 scientific publications and an overall impact factor of 457 is placed on position 1 of all German University Departments.
“This success is also a sign of the great work of our DFG Research Unit 2240”, says Prof. Cursiefen (Chairman of Eye Hospital and Speaker of FOR2240).