In June 2022 the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Hospital Cologne welcomed Professor Ilva Rupenthal as a Humboldt fellow. Prof. Rupenthal is the Director of the Buchanan...
The scientist of the DFG research group 2240 again had a strong presence at the annual ARVO conference in 2022. ARVO is the largest organization for eye and vision research worldwide. The conference took place in person in Denver, Colorado from 1st – 4th May and virtually from...
Dr. Alexander C. Rokohl, physician and clinician scientist at the Center for Ophthalmology at the University Hospital of Cologne, was awarded the Brewitt Publication Prize at the Congress of the German Academy of Ophthalmology 2022...
PD Dr. Simona Schlereth, Clinician Scientist at the Department of Ophthalmology of the University Hospital Cologne and member of the DFG FOR 2240, won the Science Award 2022 of the Rhineland-Westphalian Ophthalmologists in the amount of 10.000€ with her project "Strengthening the antitumoral immune response of dendritic...
Dr. Alexander Rokohl, clinician scientist at the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Hospital in Cologne, has been awarded the DOG Science Prize "Dry Eye and Blepharitis/MGD" at the annual meeting of the German...
After the signature of a cooperation agreement in 2019 between the Departments of Ophthalmology at the Tongji University Shanghai and the University Hospital Cologne, the 3rd Shanghai-Cologne Ophthalmic Research Meeting took place online...
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ludwig Heindl, head of the section of Ophthalmooncology and Ophthalmoplastic Surgery at the University Eye Hospital Cologne and FOR 2240 member, won the Leonard Klein Prize 2021 for his innovative work on improving laser-assisted...
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